Wednesday, February 07, 2007

U.S. Unemployment Rate Only 4.6%!

According to the U.S. Department of Labor/Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in the United States of America in January 2007 held steady at the "low" rate of only 4.6%.

Wow! Only 4.6% out of a workforce of 153 million citizens? That means only 7 million Americans are unemployed!

Those are some pretty impressive numbers! This means that the number of American citizens who are willing and able to work, but have no jobs:
  • Would fill only 70 Rose Bowl stadiums to capacity!

  • Represent only 7/8 of the population of New York City

  • Represent only 2.5 times the entire population of Seattle, Washington

  • Would provide you with only $7 million cash, if they each gave you a dollar!

  • Is not even enough people to reach "from sea to shining sea and back again" if they stood hand in hand (5303 miles)--they would only reach from San Diego to New York City, and back to Phoenix!
Damn, that's impressive!

Of course, unemployment statistics don't count unemployed homeless people, or people who used up all their unemployment insurance before they could find a job, and therefore have neither a job nor any other form of income. But hey, that probably only includes a few million other people. No more than another 7 million people, I'm sure. So the government's official unemployment rate probably counts at least half of the people who really are unemployed, and that's close enough for government work.

If anyone wants to show their gratitude to the Bush administration for keeping our unemployment rate so low, by offering jobs to the 4.6% of George W. Bush's family who are evidently unemployed, please send your employment offers to the address below.

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500

Just don't forget the drug test and criminal background check before hiring members of the Bush family.


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